Planning has begun for Team Haverhill’s River Ruckus festival which will take place on Saturday, September 24, 2016, from 12:00 pm -8:30 pm. Check back soon for more details and follow us on Facebook.
News & Events
Team Haverhill awarded a grant from Haverhill Cultural Council to promote online guide to public art works
Team Haverhill has been awarded a grant by the Haverhill Cultural Council to develop an online guide to our public art works. (more…)
River Ruckus coming up soon – join us on September 26th!
Team Haverhill’s River Ruckus returns on September 26, 2015, 12:00-8:30 pm on Washington St & the RiverWalk in the Haverhill Riverfront Cultural District.
Fox25 names Team Haverhill a “Hometown Hero”

On Friday, August 7th, Fox25 brought their popular ZipTrip segment to Haverhill to showcase all the wonderful and exciting things happening around town. When preparing for the visit, Fox25 found Team Haverhill and reached out to learn more about who we are and what we do. We were thrilled and honored when they decided to name us a “ DCU Hometown Hero” for our work to make Haverhill a better place to live, learn, work and play. Team Haverhill’s Gail Sullivan and Kevin Cooney accepted the honor on air. Thank you Fox25 and DCU!
For more information about the projects mentioned during the segment:
Event | Date | Time | Location |
River Ruckus Festival | Saturday, September 26th | Noon to 830pm | RiverFront Park (behind The Tap Restaurant) |
Essex Street Gateway Mural Live Tour | Saturday, September 19th | 11am | 25 Essex Street (by Wicked Big) |
Haverhill Farmers Market | Saturdays through October | 9am to Noon | 40 Bailey Blvd (next to the Police Station) |
See Highlights from the Zip Trip or the Hometown Hero video sharing Team Haverhill’s work.
For more information about Team Haverhill, follow us on Facebook and Instagram or sign up for our Newsletter.
Farmers Market Season Starts Saturday, June 28, 2014
Join us for opening day of the Haverhill Farmers Market, on Saturday, June 28, 2014, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.