Call to Artists & Crafters for Cultural Council’s Arts & Crafts Faire

Booth spaces have just become available for fine artists, artisans, and crafts vendors at the Haverhill Cultural Council’s Arts & Crafts Faire, taking place at 90 Washington Street, downtown Haverhill MA during the River Ruckus Festival on September 7, 2013.

With only thirty-four (34) 6’x8’ spaces available, at $35.00 each, in this central location at the heart of the River Ruckus celebration, and with an anticipated crowd of over 5,000, each space is a prime space, reserved on a first-to-completely-register basis. On Friday the 6th, vendors will be able to do preliminary set-ups from 10:30am to 8:00pm.

Please submit your application by mail on or before August 3, 2013.

Our marketing campaign is already up and running. Here are just a few highlights:

  • Cooperative festival marketing, local and regional press releases, numerous Internet email and social media blasts.
  • We will provide you with a professional marketing email to invite your existing customers and friends.

Please Mail the application, along with payment, to: Arts and Crafts Faire/Haverhill Cultural Council, 10 Welcome Street, Haverhill, MA 01830

*Please Make Checks Payable to Haverhill Cultural Council*

For more information on the Faire please contact: Karren McCabe, HCC Chair, Email:, Tel:(978) 374-4500, x31

Learn more at the River Ruckus page.