The new design features a cutout in the shoe to make room for a bench allowing residents and visitors to interact with the shoes.
Artists are called to design imagery on a three-dimensional, 4’H x 6’ L x 30 inch wide vintage shoe made of fiberglass.
The theme of this next event will be named “Soles of Haverhill 2014 – Fashion Forward”. Haverhill has a rich history that at one time revolved around worldwide fashion; hats, shoes, boots, buttons, textiles, and jewelry. This public art event is an opportunity to build on this history in a fun visual way with flair! Symbols, contemporary designs, and/or expressions of Haverhill’s shoe and fashion influences and the City’s history are encouraged.
Artists interested in participating in the Soles of Haverhill must submit an application with the artist’s rendering submitted on the designated pre-cut cardboard shoe maquette to the Artist Selection Committee. Artists will be selected based their rendering description, durability, uniqueness, originality, and excellence.
The application deadline is September 21, 2013. Artists will be selected by September 28, 2013 and completed shoes are due the week of April 13, 2014.
For more information please visit the Soles of Haverhill or contact project co-chairs, Leota Sarrette or Eric Karlstad at